![C151-190 : C18-31 [tobacco : UK] Carreras Ltd “Amusing Tricks and How To Do Them” (January 1937) 32/50](/sites/default/files/styles/large/public/2022-05/09%20egg.jpg?itok=mwW4TAAF)
These have all been rather hard associations but I hope they have made you think.
This one is a trick in more ways than one, for eggs are a major confusion in the vegetarian and vegan world, and many people believe they can eat eggs (and milk) and still be a vegetarian, in fact there is a word for this, they become a “lacto-ovo-vegetarian” (lacto being the milk and ovo being the egg). Others believe that they can eat the white and that is ok, but draw the line at the yellow, from which the chick arises. I have always been glad of our dogs, for when my mum used to cook eggs and present them as dinner I could slide them secretly down into their waiting mouths. I have never liked eggs.
Milk has also been troublesome to my constitution, but I recently abandoned it entirely, and things are going well.
This card is a total trip back into time, for where now would you get wax, apart from for a surfboard ? And who now wears waistcoats ? Strangely, the picture does not appear to show the man in a waistcoat, it is more like just a standard short coat. However the children are very 1930s, the girl in her “shy girl” pose, so reminiscent of those fairground chalk figures, and look at the tall boy in his dress suit with the bow tie.
Another question here is who is the artist? Anyone out there know? They sign the card, on the front, so they must have been of some importance, but they are not listed on the back. It would be nice to give them a bit of presumably posthumous fame.
These cards were listed in the London Cigarette Card Catalogue for 1950 at 1½p a card and 5/- a set, but there was the crossed o symbol following to show they were cheaper in the Abridged Catalogue. The logistics of adding up penny ha`pennies is quite beyond me, as are most attempts to work with numbers, that is why all my sales labels are in round pounds!