
By joining our Society, you will certainly gain more pleasure from your hobby. And with your help, the work of our Society will continue, for the benefit of all who appreciate cards, now and forever.

The piece above was penned for us many years ago, but it still holds true; and all card collectors, whatever they collect, are warmly welcomed to join us.

Now you might be asking why should you join when you can view this website for free? Well the answer is that there is a lot more to us than our website - and here are the top four reasons to come aboard:

  1. RESEARCH :  This website is but a small section of our knowledge. On joining The Cartophilic Society, you will also become part of the largest card reference project and database in the world, where you can share information with your fellow collectors, all across the World. And they will probably be able to answer questions that always puzzled you. And you will have full use of our library of books, pamphlets, and learned papers, as well as access to our archive - the finest card repository in the world. We sell many of these reference books, and members receive a discount

  2. FRIENDSHIP :  Meeting other collectors is one of the most cited reasons for joining us. We have a great network of regional and worldwide branches, meetings, fairs and auctions, plus you will be able to attend both days of our Grand Annual Card Convention and Card Fair for free, and be allowed admission before the general public. Do note, also, that several other card fairs also give free or reduced price admission to our members.

  3. CARDS : Another benefit for collectors is that our members do not pay any buyers premium on cards they buy through our regular postal auctions. For whilst non-members are welcome to bid, they have to pay 10% on top of the hammer price. Therefore, if you intend to be a regular buyer, you will soon recoup the cost of your membership. The magazine also has a “Memberads” advertisement section where you can advertise free for your personal card wants, and for any needed information about cards and issuers.

  4. OUR PRINTED MAGAZINE : every other month you will receive a full-colour A5 sized magazine called "Card World", full of articles and information that does not appear here. Those articles are penned by our members, and at the end of the year we all vote to select the year’s best article, which will win a trophy cup. And as all members are encouraged to submit articles on what they collect, and why., maybe you could even win it with something that you wrote?

GREAT NEWS! Now as it is purely the cost of posting our magazines to you by airmail that makes overseas membership more expensive, we now offer online world-wide subscriptions. All this means is your magazine arrives electronically, not as a printed copy – and you read it on a computer, tablet, or phone. Best of all, you still receive the same benefits as all other members, as outlined above! It is too early to say if this will be extended to UK members, but we do welcome your opinions.

If you have any questions, contact us and we will be pleased to help. And we look forward to greeting you as a society member very soon! Our annual subscription fees are:

Membership (UK) £30
Membership (Europe) £33
Membership (rest of the world) £41
Online membership (non-UK only) £30
Under-21 membership (UK only) £10
Two members at same address (UK only) £33
Three members at same address (UK only) £38