Card of the Day - 2022-05-23

A400-150 : A36-15 : USA/15 [tobacco : OS : USA] Allen & Ginter "Great Generals" (1888) Bk/50.
Allen & Ginter [tobacco : OS : USA] "Great Generals" (1888) Bk/50 - A400-150 : A36-15 : USA/15

Just like yesterday, this is a person who had a biscuit named after them for this is Garibaldi, which, strangely enough, like yesterday, was also introduced by Peek Freans, in 1861.

Giuseppe Garibaldi was an Italian general who was extraordinarily popular for his successfully fought military campaigns, and who also toured the world, even visiting Britain in 1854. 

In my edition of Jefferson Burdick's Catalogue, printed by Nostalgia Press in 1967, these were valued at fifty cents a card, which put them on an equal footing with other Allen & Ginter's first series of American Editors (though just like some of the James Taddy sets there may have been a printed promise but never did that second series come), Fruits, Natives in Costume, and World's Sovereigns. 

This set did not just show American Generals, as you can see from the reverse, on which are listed all the cards in the set. Some are probably not known to many of you, and others are a far way in the past, like Caesar, Oliver Cromwell, and Napoleon. The most striking thing about the set is the colour, but sadly for some reason this, and many of the early American cards, are subject to flaking, where the paper on the front starts to fall off the card in small patches. I am not sure whether anyone out there would like to explain why this actually was.