This is quite a scarce set, and perhaps seen as a bit dry to some collectors who only read the name as you scroll down the catalogue listings. It is also sepia, so not so inspiring amongst the jewels of the dealer`s stock. And lastly it is politicians.
However, here we have the story of today`s Noel.
Noel Edward Buxton was born in 1869. After leaving college he went to work for his father, who was at that time the Governor of South Australia. In 1900 he came home and attempted to become the MP for Ipswich, but he was defeated. Five years later, he tried again, this time in Whitby, where he was elected. However this only lasted until 1906. He might have faded away then, but for the fact that there was a general election in 1910, and he found himself the Liberal MP for Norfolk North.
In 1914 he and his younger brother, Charles Roden Buxton were on the way to Bulgaria when they stopped in Bucharest. Whilst there both were shot in what is recorded as an assassination attempt. Our man was shot in the jaw, as it says on our card, but his brother was shot through the lung. The shooter was captured and imprisoned for five years. The Buxtons were well known in the region, Noel being the Chairman of the Balkan War Relief Committee, and supporting various humanitarian efforts there including medical teams. The trip was a further attempt to keep Bulgaria neutral. However both not only recovered, but kept a keen eye on the area, they also wrote several books about it!
In 1919 Noel became a member of the Labour Party, and successfully won the same seat but for a different party. He remained in office until 1930 but, as it says on our card, he was also the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries during the years 1924 and 1929/30.
In 1930 he retired from his parliamentary role on health grounds and became Baron Noel-Buxton, but there is a twist to this title as he changed his surname so that his Christian name might still be visible; that technically made him Baron Noel Edward Noel-Buxton. He was succeeded as the MP for Aylsham by his wife
He died in September 1948.