So here we have a white horse, and that should have been the link that gave you all the theme of the 1923 F.A. Cup Final, because a white horse, called Billie, was involved in crowd control at the final.
For his efforts, the rider, P.C. George Storey was given a free ticket for life to every future F.A. Cup Final. He never took any - but reportedly every year lots of people wrote to the Football Association claiming to be him, and asking for their free ticket, which means that the offer must have been made public in some way. As to why he never attended, he said he was not fond of football.
I have not found out how the horse was rewarded, but I hope it was well.
Our original World Tobacco Issues Index lists this as
Sm & Lg. Grey-black gravures. Special artistic covers issued for binding sets through holes punched in left hand corner.
1. First 25 subjects. Nd. 1/25. Home issue.
A) Sm 71 x 42B) Lg 78 x 63
2. Second 25 subjects. Sm.69 x 40 Lg. 78 x 63
A) Advertisement issue. Lg without holes punched. Back in blue with advertisement for set and Sarony Cigarettes. Handouts. Unissued.B) Home issue. Nd. 26/50. Back in black. Size a) small b) large
C) Sydney & Melbourne issue. Nd. 1/25. Backs in blue. Size a) small b) large
D) Christchurch (New Zealand) issue. Nd. 1/25. Back in blue. Size a) small b) large
Now there are a number of questions here which perhaps you can answer.
The first is what are the binders like? On the back of this card there is a bit more information about them, which reads: "After collecting numbers 26-50, send your set to Nicolas Sarony & Co. to be bound in an artistic cover, free of cost to yourself". I presume that the first series say the same apart from the numbers?
Next question is about the advertisement issue. Was this just the one card with one picture or was it a whole set with different backs? How was it handed out? And why does it say "unissued"?
Finally, let us move down under. And ask how do we know that the overseas ones were issued in Sydney/Melbourne and Christchurch? Do they have a local address? Also confusing is the fact that the numbers are 1/25 but the sets are listed under the second series. So are the pictures the same as our set, rather than being from Australia and New Zealand? I suspect they are, or it would have been under a different group. With that in mind I am not sure how interesting these cards would have been to smokers there though, being links to a past they did not share.