Now here we have Colombia, and that is the home of 168 different humming bird species, more than anywhere else on earth.
Not just that but almost half of the entire humming birds in the world - and the final 8 of those are not found anywhere else in the world but in Colombia.
Interestingly, too, the humming bird has always been there, and we know that because it appears in early art, and legend, where it is written that they flew faster than any other bird, and could easily reach the heavens and the gods. Today, with our advanced measuring skills, we have proof that these early people were right - and one of the hummingbird specied can fly almost four hundred times its own length in a single second - faster than a fighter pilot, when the body size and weight is taken into account.
Sadly I do not know much about this card, so over, again, to you. Lets see what we can discover by the newsletter...
I have discovered that "Cocoline" was a type of margarine, made from coconut oil. And, so far, by trawling the internet, I have found :
- 2 - Haiti
- 6 - Norwege
- 7 - Indo Chine [Indo-China]
- 12 - Rep. Argentine [Argentina]
- 18 - Chili [Chile]
- 20 - Guatemala
- 25 - Bulgarie [Bulgaria]
- 30 - Siam
- 37 - Serbie [Serbia]
- 41 - Etats-Unis [United States of America]
- 42 - Chine [China]
- 51 - Bade [Baden]
- 55 - Monaco
- 60 - Maroc [Morocco]
- 71 - Liberia
- 76 - Tunisie [Tunisia]
- 83 - Rep D`Orange [
- 86 - Coree [Korea]
this seems to point to a set of a hundred cards - but I may be wrong. At the start of 1910 there were ninety-four recognized Sovereign States, a rise of sixteen since the turn of the century (when there was only ninety-four, and yes I do say this so you can check my maths).
We are also not exactly sure when these cards were issued, but there is a bit of a clue because Bulgaria only declared its independence on October 5, 1908.