In our original World Tobacco Issues Index this set has many variations, but luckily I have a learned friend who gave me the code above.
The description therein is :
FLAGS OF ALL NATIONS. Sm. Bkld. See X2/9. Ref USA/9. ... A-36.9
A. Series title curved, in letters about 4 m/m high.
(a) Third line of back "of Ten Cigarettes" (50)
(b) Third line of back "Right Bower Cigarettes" (2 known)B. Series title curved, in smaller letters about 3 m/m high.
(a) "Allen & Ginter Cigarettes" on front (48)
(b) "Allen & Ginter`s Cigarettes" on front (49 known)
(c) Third line of back "Right Bower Cigarettes" (48)C. Series title in straight line
(a) "Allen & Ginter`s Cigarettes" on front (48)
(b) "Allen & Ginter`s Virginia Brights Cigarettes" on front (48)
There was also a second series, which we featured as in our newsletter for the 17th of June, 2023, as the diary card for that date, Saturday the 17th of June, so not too much scrolling to get there!
Now X2/9 is a really exhaustive study so that will need to be scanned in. Not tonight. It also contains links to similar sets, which will be rather interesting.
As far as USA/9, that is Jefferson Burdick`s American Card Catalogue, and the text there reads :
9. Flags of All Nations. (48) 1st Series. There are ten main varieties in addition, see Appendix 2.
He values them at ten cents a card. Appendix 2 is at the back of the book, and it reads :
2. A&G No.9 FLAGS OF NATIONS 1st. There are 10 major varieties to the standard set of 48 as shown on backlists. Austria, Belgium, France, Holland, Italy, and Japan come with both a plain and a fancy decorated background. Papal States is also named Pontifical States. Royal Standard of Great Britain with sun in yellow or gold. Extra titles : Korea and Roumania. An occasional plain back card is found. Values as normal except : Belgium fancy $1.00, Korea 50 c., Roumania $5.00
In our updated World Tobacco Issues Index the above text is more or less repeated except the X2./9 is out and RB118-136 is in; and another card of section A part (b) has been found, because it now ends with the wording "(3 known) - though it does not tell what the flag is. I ought to be able to track it down though. It also has a new card code, of A400-090.