This card gave us Southampton, a great start, because our 1997 Card Convention was held there, in the Guildhall - and also our Winchester and Solent Branch meet at Botley Market Hall, six miles, or eleven minutes away.
There is one curious fact that I am glossing over though, because Southampton, like Portsmouth, is actually no longer part of Hampshire, being independently governed. However they are still included within the county when it comes to ceremonial events.
Part of this set was issued with "Lion" and part with "Tiger" magazine, which pretty much forced young boys to eke out their pocket money all the harder in able to get the entire set Both of these magazines were issued by Fleetway Press, "Lion" having started on 23 February 1952 and "Tiger" on 11 September 1954.
Originally the cards came as a strip, and they were cut by hand by the new owner. Some preferred to leave the dotted line cut immaculately in half whilst others removed every trace of it by cutting the cards slightly smaller.
It took me a while to find this set in the British Trade Index, so I have scanned the page - it is a bit slanted but then so are we all, in wildly different ways.
The cards are also listed in the updated British Trade Index as
FOOTBALL TEAMS (A). (L). (T). 1958-59. 115 x 89. Black.
Issued in pairs or blocks of four. Unnd. (56) in four series. See HF-27. Anonymous issue
HF-27 is the updated handbook to the British Trade Index but all that is there is another list of the cards and it is exactly the same as the above list.