And this is how they grew... the Branch and Club archives

Current status:

I am kind of starting half way through, but bear with me. 

In the first ever edition of "Cartophilic Notes and News", January/February 1965, Volume 1, Number 1, there was the following announcement : 

BRANCHES. Members who were not previously members of the Cameric Club are, of course, now entitled to attend any Branch Meeting of the Cameric and are assured a very hearty welcome. If you live anywhere near London, Leeds, Manchester or Birmingham, do go along and introduce yourself. You will find them a friendly crowd. Spend an enjoyable evening and acquire a few cards for your collection." 

The branches given were not actually correct, for it referred to their meeting places not their proper names, which were as follows,  

  • London, Secretary F. H. Pitts

  • Leeds - this was Yorkshire, Secretary Mr. J. K. Wild 

  • Manchester - this was Lancashire, Secretary C. Marsden 

  • Birmingham - this was Midlands Branch, Secretary L. Higgs

At the end of 1970, in the November/December edition (Vol.3 No.36)  the above had altered a bit, but no new Branches had come along. The London Secretary was now Roy Wheeler, and the Yorkshire Secretary Stuart Armistead, whilst Manchester was now going by the name of North West Branch, under Secretary Norman Pendlebury. But Midlands Branch was still the same, and even had the same Secretary. 

During 1974 we added two new Branches. These were West Country, Secretary P. J Wood, and East Anglia, which had been started by the former London Branch Secretary, now relocated to Norfolk, F. H. Pitts.

And 1975 saw even more expansion, with Humberside, and Reading & District, being formed.

Hants and Dorset, Merseyside, and the North East Branches came along in 1977, but we lost East Anglia, F. H. Pitts having died.