

Welcome to our bookshop, which is open all hours, and offers secure payment facilities.

You may ask why buy a book rather than borrowing it from our library? Or any library? Why not just try to find the information online? And the answer is that with your own copy, the facts are immediately at hand any time; you may be unable to reach a library, or they may be closed, your computer may fail, or you may corrupt the disc on which your research notes are so carefully stored

Ever since our society was founded, our members have worked together to try and record, research, and classify every single tobacco and trade card ever issued. Originally circulated as typed lists, these records were printed in our magazine from the late 1930s, and, in 1942, we published our first book, RB.1, on the cigarette card issues of W & F Faulkner, written by Eric Gurd. As many of those cards were unnumbered it allowed collectors to mark off what they had, and what they did not, although it also contained more information about the issuer and their cards. Now our members could buy this and join in immediately with research, without hunting through their magazines and papers -  and new members could join in and start adding their own new discoveries without needing any magazines at all. 

We still list new discoveries in our magazine, but increasingly they are coming online too, and this is something which is proving especially interesting in respect of early trade cards, for these days ephemera and/or postcard collectors can join in too, and that is leading to many exciting new discoveries. 

Do note that if you are a Cartophilic Society Member you will be able to buy our books at a special discounted price. And if you have any questions about what is contained in any book please just get in touch with us. We are always happy to advise, and ensure you get the book that will suit you best.  And if you would like to write an anonymous review of any of our books, please do, sending them to the same address, that`s


Ref. Title Author(s)
Amendments & updates to New World Tobacco Index (free download available)
Embroidered Silk & Lace Designs Issued in Germany, Holland & South Africa (c.1930) RB.139 Embroidered Silk & Lace Designs Issued in Germany, Holland & South Africa (c.1930) Alan Stevens
silks handbook RB.138 Handbook of Worldwide Tobacco & Trade Silk Issues Alan Stevens
cover Handbook of Felts & Leathers RB.140 Handbook of 'Felts' and 'Leathers' Alan Stevens
RB.8 A Glossary of Cartophilic Terms Eric Gurd
RB.12 taddy reprint RB.12 Taddy [London] Issues E. C. Wharton Tigar
RB.113 Godfrey Phillips (2008)
North American Frontispiece RB.151 North American Tobacco Issues Part 1 Martin Murray
**** Wills & B.A.T. (Combined Volume)
RB.103 New Wills Reference Book
TIE Our amazing Society Tie