![A495-420 [tobacco : UK] Amalgamated Tobacco Corporation Ltd Mills brand "Into Space" (1959) 6/25](/sites/default/files/styles/large/public/2021-10/04%20oct%20verne%20pair.jpg?itok=RxyYaGlH)
Jules Gabriel Verne was fascinated by exploration and his dreams were not far from the truth. In 1865, when he wrote "From The Earth to The Moon", he included many things that became realities, even a spacecraft that gets its power direct from the sun. The book was so popular that it had a sequel, called "All Around the Moon". In 1902, a short fifteen minute film, directed by Georges Melies, was made in France. This mixture of animation and live actions, was called "Le Voyage dans la Lune", and it features probably the earliest women on the moon, who somehow manage to explore it in a simple stage costume and tights, without any form of artificial breathing apparatus. Melies said the film was based on many ideas including the Jules Verne novels, and you can clearly see the "shell" shape if you watch : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZNAHcMMOHE8 Jules Verne named this shell craft the "Columbiad", and the "Columbia" was not only the command module of Apollo 11, but one of the space shuttles. However after the disaster which befell that it is unlikely the name will resurface.
You can see several cards of Jules Verne at : http://www.julesverne.ca/jvcigar.html - this fascinating site also features cigar bands and matchbooks. He also appears on a woven silk which can be viewed at : https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/760174052/vintage-woven-cigarette-and-tobacco-silk?show_sold_out_detail=1&ref=nla_listing_details
whilst a range of more modern Allen and Ginter variety printings can be found at : https://www.tcdb.com/Person.cfm/pid/66523/col/1/yea/0/Jules-Verne?sTeam=&sCardNum=&sNote=&sSetName=&sBrand=