This is the flag of the country we most associate with Thanksgiving, the United States of America. However, I wonder how many of you knew that their American “eagle” emblem may actually not be one? For according to the back of this card it is a Turkey Buzzard! I have been unable to find out more about this, yet.
Now this set, though it is quite plentiful, is actually quite strange. The first thing is that it is not actually titled as “Countries – Arms and Flags” on any cards in the set. It was only issued within the UK, but was issued twice, firstly in October 1905, being printed on thick card, then reprinted on thinner card before being re-released in either June or July 1912. And we also know that they were slightly altered, with new artwork, because there are differences in the text between the two printings on cards 1,3,19,38,40,45 and 48, and also in the fronts on cards 11,12 and 16. These seem to have been discovered by Colonel Bagnall, or at least they were first reported in Cigarette Card News, (Volume 12, page 69 and 86). I dont have those, but if anyone does and would like to furnish us with a scan please do. Also if anyone can describe (or scan) the varieties on the cards, back or front.
There must have been some difference in the supply as well, because, in the 1950 London Cigarette Card Company catalogue, whilst all odds are the same price, 9d to 1/6d. each, the thick card sets are £4 a set and the thin card set 70/-.