This is going to be a serialization, because our original card of the day was this one, which showed the goldfinch. The reason for that was simply because we did not have the card from this set that showed the chaffinch. But now we have an offer of one, so once it comes we can either swop it here, or add it in above as a direct comparison, which I tend to prefer.
So here is our brightly feathered friend the goldfinch with his red face and sudden flashes of yellow coming from his wings. They are described as very sociable, which generally means there will be more than one at the same time and that ought to allow them to ,you to spot them. They also have one of the most beautiful of all the bird songs.
They do seem to come and go, some years they fly high in the chart of the most seen birds, being spotted in more than two thirds of gardens, whilst other years they are less visible. However it is thought that the reason for this is the weather – give them a mild January and they are much likelier to be flitting about early enough to feature in the big bird watch. And I suppose the same is true for all these birds - a wet weekend will not allow for good sightings.