Card of the Day - 2022-03-02

G075-155 : G12-19.2 [tobacco : UK] Gallaher Ltd “The Great War Series - Second Series” (1916) card 123
Gallaher Ltd [tobacco : UK] “The Great War Series - Second Series” (1916) card 123 - G075-155 : G12-19.2

This card shows ear defenders, these being a small device which fitted inside the soldiers` ears. The text tells us that “The concussion caused by modern artillery is so terrific that unless the ears are protected in some way, complete deafness may result. These ear-defenders now in use are an improvement on the cotton-wool, as though the noise is deadened, the wearer is still able to hear orders given.” This was because the appliance was hollowed out with a pierced section at the bottom. 

The number of soldiers who were deafened by the guns is still not known, but contemporary reports tell that the firing from the Battle of The Somme could clearly be heard on Hampstead Heath in London. 

This series followed on from “The Great War Series”, which was also a set of a hundred cards, and the numbers continued into this, which started at 101 and ended at 200.

There is a rather interesting error included in this set, and that is card 147, “Dress worn by Troops at Tsing-Tau”, this card has a rifle, but the rifle was being held against the wrong shoulder. A corrected card was hastily issued. However the error card is not that rare, and it should be quite possible to find one without too much trouble.