![ZA08-340 : ZA8-18.2 : RB21/287 [tobacco: UK] Anonymous "Guernsey, Alderney & Sark - Past and Present" medium (1938) Un/48](/sites/default/files/styles/large/public/2022-05/11%20guernsey.jpg?itok=tBVimEHw)
Here is another amusing vegetarian fact, a tomato is actually a fruit, but it is classed as a vegetable. It all came from a decision, as high up as the Supreme Court in America, which called them a vegetable, for the purpose of taxation. There seems to be rather a lot of connection between this fact and the knowledge that the tomato is the most popular vegetable worldwide.
These were issued through British American Tobacco, and it does seem strange that they never put their name on them.
The cards are said to be sepia photos, with hand colouring added after the printing, but some are dark and could easily be mistaken for black and white. There are two series, both this size, 77 x 64 m/m and both of 48 cards; the first series is partly hand coloured, meaning that not all cards were; in fact in our original British American Tobacco reference book, RB.21, it tells us that only four cards were not coloured, these being cards 16 (Royal Court House, Guernsey), 43 (St. Sampson`s Harbour), 44 (Rocquaine Bay, Guernsey) and 45 (St. Peter Port). However the second series, ours were all hand coloured.
I like the clothing on this card, some are wearing aprons as if it were a normal day, and then you get the lady in black on the right, with her best hat, and wearing buttoned and heeled shoes. I bet her feet hurt all night when she got home.
Sadly none are known to us as to their names, or what they did outside work for pleasure and entertainment; their only proof of life may well be this card, and it has not yet been brought to the attention of their relatives. If I had more time it would be fun to tweet, or maybe instagram, cards like this, showing the lives of these unknown people; I have a whole box of military photos that I rescued from going unsold at an auction, fearing they might end up in the skip, and my intention is to show those on the socials and reunite them with their futures, but getting the time is hard, there is the sorting and the scanning, and the even scant researching so I get the right regiment and catch the eye of the people who only search for that. But the dream is there, flickering away, quietly, so there is still time, yet.