Ah one of my favourite sets again! However there is good reason, for this card shows the town of Reading and the circled image is a conveyor belt at a biscuit factory.
It would be most interesting if this was proved conclusively to be Huntley and Palmers by someone magically finding this photograph, plus wording as to its location, in a contemporary magazine or newspaper, but I tend to think it is. My reason for this is because if you look below the circle there are two brightly coloured biscuit tins, and the biscuit tin, as we learned earlier in the week, is not only mainly associated with Huntley and Palmers, but they are in Reading.
Some time I will try to identify these very tins. However it will have to go on the bottom of a very long list of things to do. So if anyone out there is a tin specialist and would like to send us the names and model numbers of these tins, we would be most grateful.