The Co-Operative Wholesale Society was based in Manchester, and their cartophilic claim to fame is that they appear in both our trade and our tobacco indexes.
This set is definitely tobacco, for it advertises “Anglian Mixture” at the top – and you can find other brands as well, “Equity Tobacco”, “Jaycee Brown Flake” and “Raydex Gold Leaf Mixture de Luxe”. On the CWS set of “Wayside Woodland Trees” (1924) you will find “CWS Jaycee Brown Flake, The Highest Standard” at the top and “CWS Raydex Mixture for Refined Palates” at the bottom.
This card tells us how to restring a tennis racquet, which seems to be quite a task. Anything which starts by saying you need “18 ft coil white gut, 16 ft coil red” needs careful thinking about before even looking up a supplier, not to mention the rather awful thought of the gut in the first place, all those feet of it, coiled.
I have to wonder whether this is a job professional players even bother to get done nowadays, or whether they just buy a new one?