An unusual sticker, showing one of the Gremlins from the motion picture that was very popular in the 1980s. This set of eleven peelable stickers were released by Topps in 1984, and they accompanied a set of cards, which we featured as the card of the day on March 9th 2023 - https://csgb.co.uk/cardoftheday/2023-03-09.
If you look around the edge of the little character you will see that there is a place where you can insert a nail and slide the picture off. Then the idea was that you stuck it on anywhere you liked as decoration. The reverse is a rather weird subject, and there are some positions where it looks decidedly odd, to say the least (!) but it is actually the ear of this little guy called Gizmo.
I was not a great fan of the films, but I did have a car called Gizmo, it was a Citroen 2CV with a soft top and decidedly dodgy brakes. And very dented wings as getting it through the driveway gates was a bit hit and miss.
Now in case you were wondering, no, Roald Dahl had nothing to do with this film. But he did write a story in 1943 (as Flight Lieutenant Roald Dahl), called Gremlins, dealing with the little guys who were always blamed by the RAF for anything that went wrong with any mechanical devices, including the planes. In fact, Walt Disney planned to make it into a movie. But in the end this never happened, there were problems with the contracts, with the fact that many of the ideas were things that Roald Dahl had heard other people, and other servicemen, talk about, and mostly that any use of RAF terminology and ideas in wartime was a bit hush hush. It did become a book, and appeared in comic strip form in Walt Disney`s "Comics and Stories" magazine. This was reprinted in the late 1980s, perhaps as a nod to the Gremlins films that our sticker is from. And the book was also reprinted for the USAF to mark their sixtieth birthday.