This card shows the Royal Air Force Memorial and it comes from a set of medium sized cards (70 x 94 m/m) that were issued with the boy`s magazines "Triumph" and "Champion", each of which issued one card every week. This meant that at the end of twelve weeks you had a set of twenty-four card, but that you had been coerced to buy two magazines a week.
The dates of issue were 25.9.1926 to 11.12.96. There seems to be no list of the subjects and dates so if anyone can supply one or two we can get one going here. There do already seem to be some differences in the front and back captions - this will be shown below by the listing of two captions, the first being what is on the front.
2. 4-12-26 (Triumph) The Bank / The Bank of England
9. 2-10-26 (Triumph) The Cenotaph
16. 16-10-26 (Triumph) Air Force Memorial /The Royal Air Force Memorial
It is an attractive set, but there are still many questions. The most pressing of these is whether it was actually issued in this country, or whether it was only issued in the Australian and New Zealand editions of the magazine. We know it was definitely issued over there, and it appears in the Australian and New Zealand Indexes.