Now this is a beard that still exists, and it is still called the Balbo after this aviator. The definition of a Balbo is that the beard and moustache are not joined together, and also that there are no sideburns. However as long as the moustache is not joined in any way it matters not the style or size of it.
Our card tells us that Italo Balbo fought in the First World War, and after the War rose to become Italian Under Secretary of State for Air, completely rebuilding the Italian Air Force. He also made two fantastic long distance flights with squadrons of seaplanes. Unfortunately he got ever more involved with politics, became the leader of the blackshirts, and was imagined by many to be the obvious successor of Benito Mussolini. However, to his credit, he remained opposed to Italy and Germany becoming ever closer linked in the Second World War, and some say this is why he was given the out-of-the-way job of governing British Libya rather than moving up in the goverment at home.
He met his death as a pilot, late in June 1940. Some say that his aeroplane was mistakenly shot down by Italian friendly fire from an ack-ack gun - others say that it was intentional, but covered up. The truth will probably never be known, but it does sound rather curious that he reportedly either failed to respond when signalled to give his identity, or he gave the wrong signals entirely.