This card is the Constantine Arch, and St Sylvester reputedly cured Constantine the Great of leprosy, an act which also appears in a stained glass window at Chartres Cathedral. It is written that because of this Constantine gave Rome to the Pope, but there seems to be no authenticated proof of this, just a few later writings which claim it to be so, but were not always seen as the complete truth even then.
This set is quite a pertinent one for this week as it includes cards of Pompeii, which was in Campania, one of the possible home towns of St. Sylvester, and St Peter`s Cathedral in Rome which was "built upon the site of a Church erected in the time of Constantine"
The cards measure 85 x 60 m/m and are un-numbered but a checklist, in alphabetical order, is at the TradingCardDatabase/Sights&Scenes The date is variously recorded as 1910-1912 but based on the text on the reverse, especially of Pennsylvania Terminal "opened Nov 26 1910" I would doubt 1910 unless it was a very quick printing. The TCDB says 1911, which seems better.
There are three possible back printings. and perhaps that is the real reason for the date confusion. These are
A) Pan Handle - actually Pan Handle Scrap, and described by them saying "We honestly believe we have produced in Pan Handle Scrap the finest chew that has ever been offered". Scrap sounds a bit ominous for something to put in your mouth, but it was simply just a name for loose leaf tobacco.
B) Pan Handle and Royal Bengals - using the text from above and going on to tell us that Royal Bengals were "Little Cigars 10 for 15 c."
C) Royal Bengals - a different text saying "Their quality, Convenience, Size and Price Satisfy Cigar Smokers."
The mention of `Group Issues` means that at this time The American Tobacco Company was part of a group of manufacturers, namely American Cigar Co of Key West Florida - S. Anargyros of New York - Butler & Butler Inc of Richmond Virginia - Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co of St. Louis Missouri - P. Lorillard Co of Greensboro North Carolina - and - P. H. Mayo of Richmond Virginia, who was actually the first cigarette maker in Richmond.