That`s right, I have no idea of which set this card comes from, and yet it is a super view of the tunnel at Monaco that everyone seems to like when I show it to them, So if you can tell me from which set it comes we will all thank you.
The back tells me that it is by Merlin Collections, which was a name used by Merlin Publishing Ltd. They also did football stickers and television tie in sets.
Now for the confusing bit, as the company was only started, by two ex-Panini workers, in 1989, so that means the "70" in our card cannot be the year. However Merlin was bought out by Topps in 1995, and Topps did not keep the Merlin name, tney changed it and used it as kind of European offshoot called Topps Europe Ltd. So that rules out the "98" in our card for the year as well.
There is a set which it might be, but I cannot find that online - it is the 1996 "SkySports" set. Sky ties in well with Formula One, as they took over televising the races. So if anyone can confirm that please do