This write up. left, comes from our magazine "Cartophilic Notes and News", issue number 144, for July/August 1987.
This same set was also issued with a different brand, Doncella.
Both of these brands were actually cigars.
Notice that there is only one code tonight, because this set was issued almost thirty years after our original World Tobacco Issues Index. Our updated version catalogues it under John Player section 3B, "Grandee Series. Md. 89 x 92" and tells us that the later series, including ours, are "similar to Doncella Issues". Also that "special albums [were] issued". However all it says in the listing of this set is "Britain`s Nocturnal Wildlife. Nd. 30."
"Md" is, of course, medium sized. But in a dealer`s catalogue you might find it shown as "T30", and T simply refers to the size of plastic leaves that they fit in to.
Our card, a hare, reminds us of the saying "as mad as a March Hare". I am certain you have heard it, but did you know where it came from and who said it first? We will tell you in our weekly newsletter on Saturday morning.
The phrase does have its basis in nature, for March is when the hares start to breed, and the male hares, as most males tend to do, think that they will attract a mate by being loud and showing off, and leaping about madly, fighting each other if they can. And the lady hare realises that in the end she will have to pick one of the fools, or be lonely.