Here we have Stonehenge, because in March, at the time of the Spring Equinox, many people gather there to see the sun line up through the monoliths. It is an amazing sight.
The first thing you will find out is that Mornflake Oats is not listed in our reference books. The sets issued by them are listed as Morning Foods Ltd, of North Western Mills, Crewe, Cheshire.
Our British Trade Index part one has this as MON-7, "Our England. Sm. 68 x 36. Nd. (50)". However part two says that code is wrong, it was inserted out of order, above I & R Morley Limited`s MOW-1 and it should have been below it as MOPW-7. Then in part four it sorts it out once and for all by giving our set the code of MOWD-7.
In our updated British Trade Index all that is forgotten, and the code is given as MOR-210. The description is "Our England. 1956. Sm. 68 x 36. Nd. (50)".