Now the first quandary is that Walkers is stated to have been founded in 1732 in Liverpool - but not incorporated, i.e. made into a Limited Company, until 1919. However if you look closely you will find out that the original company was called Walker`s Tobacco, and it was based at the Mersey Tobacco Factory in Scotland Road. This company was wound up either fairly close to the start of the First World War or during it; then in 1919 a new company was started, called Walker`s Tobacco Company Ltd.
This set only appears in our updated World Tobacco Issues Index as W090-100.2 where it says it is :
size 67 x 35. Domino in black, inscribed "Reg No. 646862. Notched in centre of all four sides. Back in black, with firm`s name and "Smoke "Old Monk" Cigarettes.
Does anyone know why these were notched in such a way ? Is it something to do with the wording on the reverse that states "Held like Playing Cards, Played like Dominoes" ?
Now the reverses also state that "every packet of 10 cigarettes contains one Domino", which obviously are these cards. But then it gets confusing, and says "Every box contains 50 Cigarettes one coupon 100 Cigarettes two coupons. Walkers will give a complete Set of Dominoes in exchange for six coupons". But was that set a set of these cards or a set of three dimensional dominoes?
Actually Walkers also sold an "Old Monk Flake" Tobacco, which was billed as Pure Medium Virginia - and they also sold and possibly blended "Adelphi Mixture" and "Rich Dark Honeydew".