Card of the Day - 2023-04-21

Wills Borough Arms 1st Series 3rd version
W.D. & H.O. Wills [tobacco : UK] "Borough Arms" group 2 (1904) - W675-102 : W62-69 : W/19.39.3

So for our final card we have the Arms of Norwich. This is because prior to King`s Lynn being called that, it was known as Bishop`s Lynn, because it was under the control of the Bishop of Norwich. 

Actually the Bishop of Norwich is a busy bee, for they control most of Norfolk and Suffolk. They are based in Norwich though, at the Cathedral Church of the Holy and Undivided Trinity. And he lives at Bishop`s House in Norwich.

The first cathedral in East Anglia is strongly believed to be below the sea, for it was at Dunwich. There are certainly records that the Bishop`s control was split into two areas, Dunwich, and Elmham, and then the seat moved to Elmham. That is pretty fine proof to me.

It moved then to Thetford, but only lasted a quarter of a century before going to the Cathedral in Norwich

Another reason for this card is that there is also a link here to our Norfolk ramblings, because our seventieth Annual General Meeting was held in Norwich, on Friday 25th and Saturday 26th April, 2008. It was there by chance though, for our intention was, strangely, to set up at Thetford, but we instead took temporary residence at the University of East Anglia Sportspark. As usual these buildings have great facilities, for all, but this one was created thanks to the National Lottery, who gave a grant of almost fifteen million pounds. They have all manner of sports there, and an Olympic sized swimming pool.  

This card is just one of the variations of this fascinating set, which are dealt with more fully in our blog "B for Borough Arms". That tells the differences in all the sets, and one day will include a sample back and front of every one.

This particular card we feature today is from Group 2 - Numbered set of 50, 1-50, these numbers being added to the fronts and surrounded by a small circle. Fronts printed in full colour, no frame lines, with "Wills`s Cigarettes" across fronts of cards. Backs in blue-grey, with modified Star and Circle ornamental design to permit insertion of Imperial Tobacco Co. clause at base. No. "Ld." after Wills` name in circle. Although the pictures on the cards of this group are identical to those of group 1, apart from the circle, if you compare them to those group 1 cards they have quite clearly been redrawn, so they do count as a re-issue rather than a standard re-print.