Card of the Day - 2023-06-08

Lambert Butler Garden Life
Lambert & Butler [tobacco : UK] "Garden Life" (April 1930) 8/25 - L073-370 : L8-50 : L/49 (RB.9/49) : H.449

Our original Lambert & Butler Reference Book (RB.9 - published in 1948) described this set as : 

49. 25. GARDEN LIFE. Fronts lithographed in colour without photo basis. Backs in dark green, with descriptions. 1930.

In our World Tobacco Issues Indexes, the description was reduced to : "Sm. Nd. (25)" 

However there is another code above, the H code for the handbook, and this tells us that this set was not a one off, instead being issued by W.D. & H.O. Wills in October 1914, some sixteen years before our version, and also by Edwards, Ringer and Bigg in 1934, four years after ours, and twenty years after the original Wills printing. 

Sadly there is no Edwards Ringer and Bigg Reference Book, but I do have a contemporary new issues report from The London Cigarette Card Company`s "Cigarette Card News" Vol.2, No.13, October 1934, under "Notes on Current Series - by C. L. Porter" which reads :

Edwards, Ringer & Bigg. This branch of the Imperial Tobacco Company are now packing in their "Klondyke" Cigarettes "Garden Life", a series of 25 small cards, similar to the Lambert & Butler set of the same name."

Now this does not mention the Wills original set, but the reason could be something which is revealed in our Wills Reference Book, where it tells us their original set was a series of fifty cards, double the size of the other two. So how, I wonder, were the cards selected? And did both those sets use the same cards and numbering system? 

Anyway the Wills write up, from that Reference Book, is as follows :

69. 50 GARDEN LIFE. Fronts lithographed in colour ; backs in grey with descriptive text. Home issue 1914. Similar series issued by Edward, Ringer & Bigg and Lambert & Butler, (both series of 25).