This card is very relevant to this week`s theme, because it first flew at midnight on August the 15th, 1947, at which moment Pakistan became an independent country. It was very similar to the flag before, which actually represented the Muslim League, the only difference is the white section that runs parallel to the flagpole. And I have to say that I really like the way that the name of the place is carved into the flagpole on these cards!
When Pakistan decided to become a republic they kept the same flag, and it also did not change when half of the country split off and became Bangladesh.
I have now tracked this set down in our vintage volumes of the British Trade Index, in part III, issued in 1986. It comes under :
Flags and Bank Notes (A). Issued 1971. ... ABF-46
1. Flags. 81 x 56. Flag die cut. Plain adhesive back. Unnd. (73).
2. Banknotes. 143 x 62. Unnd. (27). See anonymous set ZG10-9-2
There is also a list of the flags, in alphabetical order, but it is very light and spreads over two pages. However, the same list was reprinted, in a darker, and considerably easier to read, text in our updated British Trade Index, so I have taken the liberty of using this, out of order, now.
As far as ZG10-9-2, this is at the back of the book, and there is a picture of one of the notes. it catalogues them as :
"Banknotes (A). 143 x 62. See Fig. ZG10-9.2. The banknotes are imaginary, with names closely resembling existing countries. 17 known : -
- Banc National De Icaragua [Nicaragua]
- Banco Centrale de Chil [Chile]
- Banco Centrale Del Paragu [Paraguay]
- Bank Ingonecia [Indonesia]
- Banque de l`Indochi [Indo China]
- Central Bank of Trinday [Trinidad]
- Deutschosterreich [a curious blend of Germany and Austria]
- The Jalanese Government [Java]
- Nabohnabanra [your guess is as good as mine]
- Republica Das Estados Do Brasi - um Cruzeiro [Brazil - and it ought to be un Cruziero, for one, not um]
- Republica Das Estados Do Brasi - 5 Cruzeiro [Brazil]
- * Serial No, 2D 397038
- * Serial No, 307338
- * Serial No, C992693Q
- * Serial No, F 57 214566
- * No serial - Picture of woman with basket in field (5 currency)
- * No serial - Dated 9 IX 1944 and 1951. Man`s head and lion crest.
* these banknotes are in characters of local languages
This is all very odd, as what they seem to have done is remove a letter or two from the country`s name on some of the notes, so as not to be accused of reproducing proper banknotes. I have attempted to add those letters back in, in brackets. But this seems a very long drawn out method of production when all they needed to do was print a thick black diagonal line across one corner. As for the final six, I have no idea of whether these are real notes or whether they were figments of the artist`s imagination - and that could also apply to numbers five and nine in the above list.
In our updated version of the British Trade Index this set is described as :
FLAGS (A). 1971. Unnd. (73) Cut-outs. Black surround to flag. Plain adhesive back. See HA.8
HA.8 is the handbook where you will find this list of all the cards, but that is what we showed you earlier!