Here we have Ceylon, or as it is now known, Sri Lanka. It is rather fun that this card shows tea, but is not a tea card, for Sweetule made confectionery.
Now all our British Trade Index says for this set is "Sm. 68 x 37. Nd. (25)". The date also varies, anywhere between 1958 and 1960, but the latter comes from our updated British Trade Index so until I find the original New Issues Report I will hold fast to that.
This set is mainly included because it is another of those sets with many issuers, as listed under the HX and D handbook codes. These are :
British American Tobacco "Domino" Brand (Mauritius) - "Les Produits du Monde" (1961)
Horsleys Stores (Gainsborough) - "Products of the World" (1968)
Musgrave Bros (Cork, Ireland - tea) - "Products of the World" (1961)
The Stamp Corner (Doncaster - collectables shop) - "Products of the World" (1960s)
Now the last of these is very interesting because The Stamp Corner were established in 1927 (and are still in business, though at a different address), and they issued several sets of cards in the 1960s with non standard backs. Either they picked up a lot of proof sheets, or blank backed cards, or just reproduced the fronts from cards they liked the look of, because instead of the usual text there is an advertisement for their business, either :
a) "Wanted to purchase collections of coins, stamps, cards, medals ..." Address 23 Bowers Field
b) "bring 25 of these cards to The Stamp Corner for a free 1/- set"
Now apparently only eight cards, or should that be fronts, from "Products of the World" have so far been seen. Which brings me to you, to ask do you have any "The Stamp Corner" cards to show us, and/or can you list any of the eight from this set that you own or know of.