Card of the Day - 2023-09-08

Duke Postage Stamps Genuine
W. Duke, Sons & Co., [tobacco : O/S : U.S.A.] "Postage Stamps" (1889) Un/50 - D900-320.B : D76-34.B : ABC/85 : USA/85

Now if you did not notice, this is a different reverse to the card we had earlier in the week. This one is the "B" version where the word "Genuine" is added to the description on the reverse.

Now we do not know why this was added, or whether it was removed. It seems more likely that it was added though, and perhaps to combat other sets of cards which were being issued by different manufacturers with stamps on them. 

This set is listed in our World Tobacco Indexes, under Duke section 1, covering "regular coloured issues in U.S.A."  as : 

POSTAGE STAMPS. Sm. Real postage stamps affixed to series of cards "illustrating mail matters..." Unnd. (50). See ABC/85. Ref.USA/85
A. Centre wording on back "A Foreign Postage Stamp", (a) with (b) without printers` credit at base.
B. Centre wording on back "A Genuine Foreign Postage Stamp" 

The only difference between the vintage and modern editions is that the text to A. now reads : "A. Centre wording on back "A Foreign Postage Stamp" (a) with printer`s credit (50)  (b) without printer`s credit (only 25 subjects believed issued).