Finally our third clue was the most fiendish, being "on line", the home of Social Media.
And I wonder whether it is only me who thinks that on line is actually a good pointer as to how to behave, keeping within the tracks, not goiing off the rails, keeping connected to all your followers, and trying to make them come with you to support better and kinder sites. But never, of course, railroading them!
These cards are very striking but they do have a tendency to blurring. Though saying that they certainly give the impression of speed when they are! It is also one of the sets that seems to be lacking from most railway collections
Now we ought to say that the cards are only credited to "C.W.S" and advertise "C.W.S. Speciality Beatall Rich Dark Flake". That was just one of their brands - others included "Golden Flake", "Linden Mixture", "Meadowland", "Navy Cut Extra Fine Virginia", "Raydex", and "Silk Cut".
The sad thing is that there is very little description in our World Tobacco Issues Indexes, only "RAILWAY ENGINES. Sm. Nd. (48)". But as they were issued in 1936 I might just have a new issues report. Let`s hope so.....
By the way this is one of the sets which was featured in another set, the Jacobs Biscuits "Picture Cards from History", which used card number 2 of Stephenson`s Rocket. That`s another type card that is seldom found in thematic railway collections. Its card 30 of the Jacobs set,