The Magic Roundabout is a great example of World Television because it was actually a French programme, by Serge Danot. In this country we simply used the footage, though we altered it, in some cases quite substantially, and wrote/dubbed our own stories. Our version ran from 1965 until 1977 but the French original, called "Le Manege Enchante" started in 1964, and was set in Bois-Joli, which translates as Happy Wood. An American version was also produced, which, like ours, also hits on the roundabout rather than the wood, and was called "The Magic Carousel".
This set is described in our British Trade Indexes as "MAGIC ROUNDABOUT. 1968. 65 x 35. Nd. (35)". We know that they were issued individually as one card in a box of ten Sweet Cigarettes, the front of which seems to be based on the card we selected for today, but we did also unearth a pinterest pin of a large box of Barratt Magic Roundabout sweets. So if anyone remembers these do write in - especially if they had cards too. Sadly the cards were not very well produced and are rather grainy, which shows up even worse on the scanner. If anyone can do a better job with their card and scanner we will happily swap it over.
And if you are a fan of the series, or want to read more, just hop over to the special, and quite amazing, Fandom site...