So here is another Atmore & Son`s "Celebrated Mince Meat and Genuine English Plum Pudding" advertisement card, and again printed by Ketterlinus, but this time there is a difference as this card has a printed back, which announces that "Average daily sales in the season twelve tons".
The story of Atmore and Sons was told on November 29th 2023 - when we featured a card from this series with a plain back. But as to why this is here on this week, well, take a look, and you will see that the festive fare is being delivered by Father Christmas himself ! And note the size of the pudding he brandishes - bigger than his head... Then there are the two tall industrial chimneys, which I thought may be the factory, but I have not tracked the truth of that down yet.
Notice, too, whilst you are looking, that there are only six reindeer pulling the sleigh. This is odd, because the original 1823 poem "A Visit from St. Nicholas" it clearly says that he came in "a miniature sleigh and eight tiny rein-deer". Perhaps they just would not all fit on the card, but the artist did not realise this until he neared the border, though it would have been easy enough to make the front pair appear as tails only, and be zooming out of the card.