This second clue card provided you with the "New Year".
Now we do not really know where the calendar started, though all civilizations were able to develop some way of recording the passage of time. We do know that at this moment the oldest lunar calendar in existence is in Scotland, where a rudimentary twelve-sectioned earthwork was discovered in 2013. It is not really fully understood how this worked but obviously it must have sectioned the year off in some way according to the planets, like a giant sundial.
We can thank the Romans for the word "calendar" by the way, because their name for the first day of the month was "the calends". Therefore a collection of months was a Calend-ar.
This is not just a calendar, for the back is a useful compendium of Postal rates, from letter to parcel post, stationery, and postal orders. And it may have been issued at this early date, but it did not make the Wills reference books until part III, where it is listed with its pair, as :
55. 2 CALENDARS. Unnumbered. Fronts printed from relief blocks in colour; backs in blue, headed “Post Office Information”. Home issues : -
A. Calendar for 1911, issued 1910
B. Calendar for 1912, issued 1911
There is no month of issue recorded for these but it seems safe to imagine they were in the final parts of the year. However I have to wonder why this useful item was only issued in these two years? Any ideas?
This information is only slightly altered in our World Tobacco Issues Indexes, to
CALENDARS (A). Sm. Backs inscribed “Post Office Information”
1. “Calendar for 1911” (1)
2. “Calendar - 1912” (1)