Firstly our thanks to Mr. Lloyd, who sent this card in as a scan. He would also like to know more about it, especially whether it is trimmed in any way.
I am certain that few of us have come across this card before, or heard of the issuer. I am one, it is a mystery to me, but I have found a few things out, and maybe you can add more?
In our original World Tobacco Issues Index, Lone Jack Cigarette Co. are cited as being located in Lynchburg, Virginia, USA. There were several brands, `Lone-Jack`, `Ruby`, `Straight-Cut` and `Special` Cigarettes. The header from that book tells us that the cards were issued about 1885 - 92, and that Set L60-3 ("Language of Flowers") was also available in the U.K.
In that volume, our set is split into two groups, and so was the listing in Jefferson Burdick`s catalogue, however he only valued them at 25 cents a card. The listing in our book reads :
ACTRESSES (A). Sm. 65 x 38. Sepia. Subjects unnamed. Unnd. Ref. USA/367.
1. "Lone Jack Cigarettes" in design. 2 seen
2. "Lone Jack Cigarettes" in border above picture. Possibly same subjects as set G26-1-1 (Genesee). 5 seen.
Now Genesee is the Genesee Tobacco Works of Rochester, New York. I cannot confirm or deny whether the cards are the same, or even similar, but if you can, please do.
There is a slight question about our listing above, because our card is named as being Ellen Terry, on her dress. We do know that some of these cards are said to be "named" simply because someone has written the identity on, and they are not always correct in their naming. This is less of a problem now that most internet auctions show pictures of the cards, but finding out such things only when the card arrived used to bring a lot of disappointment to collectors in the olden days!
Our updated World Tobacco Issues Index has a slightly different listing, namely :
ACTRESSES (A). Sm. 65 x 38. Sepia. Subjects unnamed. Unnd. Ref. USA/367.
1. "Lone Jack Cigarettes" in design. (2 seen)
2. "Lone Jack Cigarettes" in border above picture. (4 known) Ref. USA/367.
Now someone has got in touch with us and said that there is another set we ought to bring into play, that is by Heisel's Gum and it is known as "Actress Gum (E180)". I will hand this straight over to you, whilst I research it.