Forgot this description, but here it is just in time for the newsletter. It refers to a spring, or a place where fresh water bubbles from the ground without any assistance from humanity.
However I have to say that there is something rather wrong about the thought that these springs are being used to fill swimming pools for holidaymakers and tourists to frolic in, rather than being diverted to local and indigenous people for them to drink or use in more sensible ways.
This was not the card I wanted but I ran out of time, Wednesday was another day at the vets with my four legged friend, and the vet thinks he is fading fast. Miracles can happen, surely. Though I also know that love cannot halt the passage of time. And love, just as equally, should never make a mate suffer one second longer than they should.
Anyway, this group of sets first appear in our British American Tobacco Company Booklet, RB.21, published in 1952. Inside the body of the book they fall under section XIII, “Special Groups and Other Multi-Area Series” and Group 5, which reads as follows:
Westminster Colonial Photographic Series.
This group consists of the nine series of photographic cards issued by Westminster. All are small cards, size 66x 35 m/m, with fronts glossy photoprints in black and white. Backs are in black, with descriptive text. Numbered.
Our set appears as
292. CANADA.
1. First Series of 36.|
A. Inscribed “Issued by the Successors…”
B. Without the above
The index, at the front of this book, adds that group A. were issued in the United Kingdom, and group B. in Malta.
Now there is something tantalising in our Directory of British Issuers, and that is that Westminster cigarettes were "made in Liverpool and issued by Ogden branch of I.T.C.". This was under an arrangement with B.A.T.
In our World Tobacco Issues Indexes the set is catalogued under the header of :
United Kingdom Issues. Inscribed “Issued by the Successors in the United Kingdom to the Westminster Tobacco Co. Ltd., London”. All black and white photos, small size 66 x 35 m/m. For anonymous issue, see Set ZJ5-1. Issued 1925-32
Of course that anonymous issue was Australia, which you can read about at :
The actual listing of our set is :
CANADA. Nd. See RB.21/292.A
1. “First Series of 36”
2. “Second Series of 36”
By the way, the order of issue of all these sets was as follows. This may change if we can discover a month of issue – or if anyone knows one :
1st Series |
2nd Series |
Indian Empire |
1925 |
1926 |
Canada |
1926 |
1928 |
South Africa |
1928 |
1928 |
New Zealand |
1928 |
1929 |
Australia |
1932 |
unissued |