Card of the Day - 2024-08-16

Tip Top Pop Stars
Tip Top Bakeries [trade : bread : O/S - Australia] "Tip Top/E.M.I Pop Star Swap Card Series" (1972/3) 12/25 - T14-8.1

So why did we choose the Moody Blues?

Well they were booked to play the original event, when it was at Wallkill, but they decided against it, simply because they had also booked in to play at Paris the same weekend and they thought it better to go with their European fans, rather than try to make a new audience in America.

However, if you are lucky enough to find the original poster for Wallkill you will find their names on it ! It is very sought after by fans of the band though. 

You can see the whole of this set at DavidHalpen/ImageEvent 

As far as the cartophilic details,you will find this set in our original Australian and New Zealand Index, RB.30, issued in 1983, where it is listed as : 

Tip Top/E.M.I Pop Star Swap Card Series. Two numbered sets, each consisting of different pictures.  ... T14-8 

1. First set, with red magenta borders to cards. Nd. 1/20. Backs below text "Complete the full set of 25 cards ..." address "P.O. Box 222, Nunawading, 3131, Victoria. Nos 21/25 without picture - Nos 21/24 inscribed "clue card" 1/4, No. 25 "Conditions of Entry" (back with closing date December 15, 1972. No.2 is found with six-digit numbers added in red.

2. Second set, with orange red borders to cards Nd. 1/24. Two backs : 
       A. "Great New Competition" or "Competition Extended" below text address "P.O. Box 222, Nunawading, 3131, Victoria." except No.24 with back below text "Conditions of Entry" and closing date 18th April (no year stated). Issued 1973
      B. "Complete the Tip-Top Jingle...." below text, address  "P.O. Box 2396, Wellington". Nos. 1/23 known, and unnumbered card "Max Miller"