This card is here to represent a meeting, a gathering of like minded individuals, either, as shown here, in person, or online, through zoom or skype, which can be just as fun - and also has the benefit of being able to share cards and books from the comfort of your own homes.
The meeting on this card, however, is rather more charged, for it is Le Club des Jacobins, a political group, which was founded in 1789 as the Society of the Friends of the Constitution, then relocated to a former Dominican convent in rue St-Honore, Paris which was known colloquially as The Monastery of the Jacobins. They formed one of many groups at the time of the French Revolution, and its immediate aftermath; they were seen as the most left wing of all, so much so that some of their members left and formed another group, called the Girondins. Despite this, they were directly responsible for the Reign of Terror, which saw many prominent right wingers and members of the former government sent to their deaths by guillotine.
Now this picture was used on many cards by many makers, and you can even find it with a printed back that tells the story of the club. However all of these appear to have the same number, 10, to bottom left. I do not know how many in the set there were, or the year is was issued - if you do, please tell.
I am now told that card number 1 shows the Opening of the Estates General on May 5, 1789, which makes it possible that this set is not the story of France at all, but the story of the French Revolution. Will investigate this asap