So here we simply have the most basic form of an endowment, a gift, given with love, in this case a small child receiving a doll. However if kindnesses are shown to a child it is hopefully the case that the child, as they mature, will also think of how they can help others. And though the more cynical may think that Mr. Duke was only making sure he could be remembered, he seems to have chosen wisely, schools for the young and churches for the needy.
So as you can see I am struggling with this one. I thought it an advertising card, until I saw that at the bottom of the reverse it has a title "1. Kinderfesten von het jaar". Now I translated that as Children`s festivals throughout the year, thinking this was Christmas, but now it seems that `Kinderfesten` means birthday party.
However, that`s definitely a Christmas tree!
Therefore if any readers have any other cards in this set, please send us the titles - along with, if you know such, the date, and the number that makes up a full set.