Card of the Day - 2024-12-26

Liebig S1110 1921
Liebig [trade : meat extract : O/S - South America] "Astronomers Celebres" / "Celebrated Astronomers" (1921) 4/6 - F.1113 : S.1110

This appears to be the only card which shows Tycho Brahe and Johannes Kepler together, and it seems absent from checklists of either man. This could well be because Tycho Brahe is not named, and Johannes Kepler is shows as Jean.

The two are almost certainly in Prague and apparently in the Observatory, for there is a telescope to the top left hand corner, along with a collection of measuring tools in the top right hand corner. The telescope was a relatively new tool - not only first used by Galileo Galilei, but constructed to his own design. Before that, astronomers used astrolabes, and armillary spheres, one of which is directly pointed at by the end of the telescope in this picture.

I have not been able to find this picture, so it seems that it was drawn to order for Liebig. There is something rather curious about it though, as it seems that Johannes Kepler, in his long vestment, of typically Lutheran form, is leaning on the table like he owns it, and Tycho Brahe is standing, reading, but looking rather ill at ease, and though there is a chair right beside him, it is noticeable that he has not sat down.

This set was only issued in three countries, Belgium (our version, as "Astronomes Celebres"), Germany (as "Aus dem Leben berühmter Astronomen"), and Italy (as "Astronomi celebri"). The German set seems to be the most sought after, and, curiously, the title actually translates to "[scenes] from the life of renowned astronomers", and is a much better description than the other two, because all the cards do indeed show important events, rather than portraits. . 

These other cards are : 

  1. Aristote
  2. Claude Ptolemee
  3. Gérard Kremer, dit Mercator 
  4. Jean Kepler
  5. Galilee
  6. Schiaparelli