Card of the Day - 2025-02-09

suchard fleurs
Suchard [trade : chocolate : O/S - Switzerland] "Cueillette des Fleurs" / "Picking Flowers" - serie 277 (19?) 9/12 

Here we have something long associated with love and romance, and that is picking flowers for your sweetheart. I am not so keen on cut flowers, and think it far better to have a plant that will grow in your garden for many years as a permanent reminder, even once the lover, and the love has gone away.  

Associating flowers with romance is another Victorian invention. They created a whole language of what flowers meant, either as a single stem or in combination with others. Some say this was because they were too tightly laced to express their feelings in words, but it seems likely that they just enjoyed knowing that the recipient would have to look closely at the bouquet and find out what it meant. Several plants meant secret love, and were no doubt delivered anonymously. But if you sent someone a carnation, that was pretty much the end, for it means I do not love you,  or we cannot be together. Though whilst the first statement is the end, there are ways around the second if the vibes are strong enough. 

A very attractive card from a lovely set, and the colours are so bright. The title is not on the cards, but this scan was a donation from Mr. Sharpe, and he also knew the title so I am doubly grateful. The numbers are rather well hidden too, but they are in one of the corners. He also supplied us with this list of some of the cards, and would love to know the ones he is missing  : 

  2. Tulipes - Tulipa - Tulpen [Velma] - Tulips
  4. Viola Odorata - Veilchen [Kakao] - Violets
  8. Mimosas - Mimosa - Mimosen [Chocolat Suchard] - Acacia Blossom
  9. Oeiletts - Dianthus Caryophyllus - Nelken [Miilka] - Carnations
  10. Crocus Sativus - Krokus [Schokolade Suchard] - Crocuses
  12. Tournesols - Helianthus Annuus - Sonnenrosen [Milka Suchard] - Sunflowers