I have sadly been unable to find this statue, but I will keep looking.
This is a huge, and complex set, and our original reference book to the issues of R. & J. Hill, RB.2, published in 1942, lists them with amazing detail, and several lists, which I was going to scan and add within the text, but decided to type in as one of the groups goes over to another page and it would have been too awkward to rework the scan. I am in two minds about these lists, as in the book the lists are numbered, but the cards themselves are not.
The entire listing of this group therefore appears as :
1899, Jan.
30 STATUARY PHOTO-CARDS. Size 1 7/16” x 2 ¾” (untitled series). Fronts, printed black and white, with margins, letterpress process from screen blocks. Dull finish – not varnished. Backs plain. White card. Titles are in black on base of statue except “Diana” which has the name in white letters, evidently engraved afterwards. Unnumbered and for convenience referred to as Series “A”
30 STATUARY PHOTO-CARDS. As above, but PINKY CARD. Dull finish – not varnished. Backs, “R. & J. Hill’s” etc., in fancy lettering, printed in black ink. Unnumbered and for convenience referred to as Series “B”
30 STATUARY PHOTO-CARDS. Similar to “B” but – WHITE CARD and fronts glossy – varnished. “Young Bacchante” has the title in white letters, evidently engraved afterwards by hand. Unnumbered and for convenience referred to as Series “C”
The subjects in “A”, “B” and “C” are identical, but some new engravings were used for “C” as some of the statues are larger and “The Toilet” has a different plinth.
30 STATUARY PHOTO-CARDS. Size 1 7/16” x 2 ¾” Brownish printing on front without margins. Dull finish – not varnished. Backs fancy lettering, as “B” and “C”. Whitish card. Subjects appear to be similar to “A”, “B” and “C”, but some new engravings must have been prepared as “The Three Graces” statue measures 2 9/16” from top to bottom, whereas it is 2 3/32” in set “A”. Unnumbered and for convenience referred to as Series “D”
Detail, series “A”, “B”, “C”, “D”
1. Amazon
2. Angel
3. Angelican
4. Daphne
5. Defending the Pose
6. Diana
7. Dreams
8. Echo
9. Hunter
10. Indian
11. Maiden
12. Niobe
13. Nymph and Cupid
14. Prisoner of Love
15. The Bagnante
16. The Bather
17. The Toilet
18. The Three Graces
19. Tinted Venus
20. Venus
21. Venus Bisetti
22. Venus, by Canova
23. Venus, by Copeland
24. Venus Mallekena
25. Venus Rising from the Sea
26. Waiting
27. Water Nymph
28. Young Bacchante
30.Series “B” and series “D” are both believed to be very rare, in each case the compiler has only seen one card, but this is sufficient to prove the existence of sets.
30. STATUARY PHOTO-CARDS (untitled series).. Size 1 9/16” x 2 13/16”. Entirely different subjects from “A”, “B”, “C” and “D”. Titles in black on base of statue, these are difficult to read and “Maquette”, “Daphne and Chloe” and “Love” have all been engraved in by hand, which causes the white lettering. Glossy finish – varnished. Whitish card. Backs, printed in black ink – plain letters – with advertisement for “Hill`s Badminton Smoking Mixture”. Unnumbered and for convenience referred to as Series “E”
30 STATUARY PHOTO-CARDS. Similar in all respects to “E” but fronts printed with a greenish-black ink. This is quite distinct from the ink used in “E”. Unnumbered and for convenience referred to as Series “F”
Detail, series “E” and “F”
1. Bather
2. Canagra
3. Cassandra
4. Cephale and Procrix
5. Confidence
6. Cupid
7. Cupid and Psyche
8. Daphne and Chloe
9. First Attempt
10. First Dreams of Love
11. Flora and Zephyr
12. Fortune
13. Gloria
14. Goddess of the Feast
15. Happy Dreams
16. Immortality
17. Joan of Arc
18. Love
19. Marquette
20. Mercury
21. Mignon
22. Music
23. Orpheus and Eurydice
24. Playmates
25. Psyche
26. The African
27. The Bathers
28. The Messenger of Love
29. The Slave
30. The Spinner1901/2
30 STATUARY PHOTO-CARDS. (untitled series). Size 1 7/16” x 2 ¾”. Entirely different subjects from “A”, “B”, “C”, “D”, “E” and “F”. Fronts, black and white printing, with margins. Titles are inserted by type – white lettering – and away from statues. Printing by lithography. Dull finish – not varnished. Extra panel below subject with white lettering, “Issued only with Hills Cigarettes”. Backs, advertisements for “Black and White Whisky”. Toned “off-white” card.
The advertisement on the backs of these cards – “To H.M. The King. The Popular Scotch is “Black & White” Whisky. To H.R.H. The Prince of Wales” enables us to posit cards must have been issued after the accession of Edward VII, hence the suggested date. Unnumbered and referred to as Series “G”30 STATUARY PHOTO-CARDS. As above, but lettering in extra panel, “Issued only with Hill’s Cigarettes” changed to black letters on a white background, instead of white letters on a black background, glossy, “dead-white” card. Backs as Series “G”. Unnumbered and referred to as Series “H”
Detail, series “G” and “H”
1. A Florentine Sculptor
2. Armor and Psyche
3. An Evening
4. Architecture
5. Boy and Panther
6. Echo and Narcissus
7. Music
8. Nature Unveiling
9. Prolude
10. Spleen
11. Suzanne
12. Tennis
13. The Kiss
14. The Huntress
15. The Pearls
16. The Philosophy of History
17. The Pose
18. The Toilet
19. Under the Empire
20. Under a Lucky Star
21. Youth
22-30 ? ?(The compiler has not seen any cards 22 – 30, but in view of Hill's advertising assumes they exist.)
This is very different to the way they appear in our original World Tobacco Issues Index, where there are only three sets. However it appears that this has combined all the versions with the same cards, hence sets "A", "B", "C" and "D" above are now Set 1, sets "E" and "F" form set 2, and sets "G" and "H" bring up the rear as set 3. This very different way of listing them means, therefore, that they appear as :
STATUARY - SET 1 (A). Sm. 68 x 38. Back headed "R. & J. Hill`s Cigarettes" in fancy printing. Unnd. See Ha.218-1 ... H46-17
A. Brown front. Matt. 1 known
B. Black and white front (a) matt (b) varnished. 28 known.STATUARY - SET 2 (A). Sm. 68 x 37. Black and white various tintings including greenish-black. Back headed "Perfection vide Press". Unnd. (30). See Ha.218-2 ... H46-18
STATUARY - SET 3 (A). Sm. 72 x 40. Black and white. Back with advertisement for "Black and White" Whisky. Unnd. (25) See Ha.218-3 ... H46-19
A. Hill`s name panel white lettering on black background.
B. Hill`s name panel black lettering on grey background.
C. Hill`s name panel black lettering on white background.
Now this is slightly different again in the updated version of our World Tobacco Issues Index, and that reads :
STATUARY - SET 1 (A). Sm. 68 x 38. Back headed "R. & J. Hill`s Cigarettes" in fancy printing. Unnd. (30) See H.218-1. B & W front (a) matt (b) varnished. Proofs are known with fronts in brown, blue and claret, and on different coloured board... H554-250
STATUARY - SET 2 (A). Sm. 68 x 37. Black and white various tintings including greenish-black. Back headed "Perfection vide Press". Unnd. (30). See H.218-2 ... H554-255
STATUARY - SET 3 (A). Sm. 72 x 40. Black and white. Back with advertisement for "Black and White" Whisky. Unnd. (28 known) See H.218-3 ... H554-260
A. Hill`s name panel white lettering on black background. (21 known)
B. Hill`s name panel black lettering on grey background.(23 known)
C. Hill`s name panel black lettering on white background, subjects redrawn (4 known)