held at Caxton Hall
CAMERIC CIGARETTE CARD CLUB - Saturday the 21st of September 1957
The Cameric AGM was held in the Tudor Room at Caxton Hall, starting at 10am and ending at 7 pm, with the Annual General Meeting itself starting at 2.30 – there were dealers and the table just inside the door was, as usual, occupied by the London Cigarette Card Company. Other dealers were The Universal, Mr. Sverdloff and Mr. Lillington, plus, in their first appearance, The Wareham Trading Company. Two visitors this year were Mr. & Mrs Cherry, the father and mother of the club`s founder Eric; Mr. Cherry has been a regular but this was the first year his wife had attended.
In the AGM the club announced a surplus of funds over expenditure.
Branch Reports were received from Midlands, Yorkshire and Lancashire, and Mr. Wilfrid Mawson of Blackpool was announced to have been made a Vice President for life, in recognition of his endeavours for Lancashire Branch and others neighbouring, running exhibitions etc. He estimated he had travelled 6,000 miles in the service of Cartophily since his retirement.