Newsletter - 2022-12-03

Another week passed, and another week closer to Christmas, in fact as I type this there are just twenty-three days. How are those wants lists coming along? And how many of you are having a special card or set for Christmas? Do let us know. Also if there is anything cartophilic that you had for Christmas past. Remember we allow for aliases, and that you can remain completely anonymous if you prefer. 

This week we have a mildly festive theme, though some of them are very mildly connected too. We have a lot of elements that should be included though - hugs, and bright ideas, and giving, and sharing, and tolerance of other religions. And that is just these diary dates.... starting with

And that is it for this week, midnight fast approaches, and this must go online. Tinkering can be time consuming. There are still a couple of these cards I will try to replace with better scans but enough already!

By the way the index is coming along well and as I found a slightly different way to do it, all the cards featured in the newsletter will now be included, not just the cards of the day!  It will be useful for me too then, and I will no longer have to say "I think I might have had this one but..... "

See you all next week, and pleasant dreams