Newsletter - 2022-12-17

Just realised there was no intro! Ah well, that is easily solved. Now wonders will never cease, it is the midnight hour between Friday and Saturday and the newsletter is back in its usual place and time. Things have not improved but I am getting better at shutting myself away to work. There are a couple of calls for better cards, so please help if you can. Much appreciated. 

So this week we have a look at the British Elvis, a miraculous tale, a little sparrow, a chance to blow off all our cobwebs in the restorative power of Mother Nature, a great way to cast off any sorrows of this year before they drag into the next, a Prime Minister who was once a Samurai, and sadly not a radish. How I need that radish... 

Read on. And enjoy. And help out, if you can.... 

and sadly that is where I must put away my notes, for it is almost the midnight hour. Now next week at this time it will be Christmas Eve turning into Christmas Day but we will continue, if we can. 

We wish you all the compliments of this lovely season, try to enjoy it and to find something that makes your heart happy. Contact a friend if you are bored, or tired, or in need of the blues to be chased away, perhaps they are in the same leaky boat and have sent you the thought through the ether in the hope that you are there, listening and ready to answer