Newsletter - 2022-12-24

Well today is Christmas Eve, a time when we should be all excited for the big day tomorrow, whatever age we are and whether or not we still believe in Father Christmas. It is a time when people seem friendlier, and anything is possible, and sometimes you can be brave and send a cheery note to someone that you would never approach if you were not over fortified by a touch of the Christmas emotions. If only every day was Christmas Eve. In fact I like that better, because it is usually when I open my presents - there is seldom time on the big day, and it is more special. Also, there is more than a touch of my not wanting to share my delights with anyone else ....

But I will share a taste of this week`s diary delights with you -  a curious cocktail, a delicious dessert, treasured thanks, football frenzy, wowsome wheels, Grand Old Gladstone, and naughty needles... 

Well readers midnight has come and gone and here I sit still typing. There is one omission, as usual, the codes for the diary cards. But they will be added asap. There is not time now, nor eyes to see them with.

May I close by thanking you all for coming along in the wee small hours, sitting and waiting in the darkness for them to appear, and for reading these little glimpses into the story of our hobby, and for putting up with my ramblings, and my eco-friendliness, and my introducing of a few subjects that might have raised some eyebrows with cartophilists of yore. They have been great fun to write, a challenge too, in finding cartophilic links to the most curious of days, and there have been many pleasures in finding a day that is actually on a card. I have also discovered many new heroes, and heroines, and some really great cards, And long may all of that continue. 

Only one thing is left unsaid...

A Merry Christmas to all Cartophilists, wherever you are, and whatever you collect. And Peace, to sit and look at your collection, whilst remembering, always, that though the light of Christmas shines upon us, there are places, and not so far away, where our fellow earthlings, human, and animal, are not so lucky