Newsletter - 2023-02-04

So here we are inside of February already. And this is the shortest month of the year with either 28 or 29 days only. Next year is a leap year, by the way, if you have anything you would like to plan for.  

Now February was one of the last two months to be added to the calendar by the Romans, at one time you just had November, December, and Winter, which lasted until March. And strangely the first month of the year at that time was March. When January and February came along, January stole the title of being the first month of any year. 

One thing to look out for this week is the full moon, which has the rather alarming name of the snow moon. And yes, the name does refer to the fact that there is often a cold snap around that time. It is on February 5th. 

Anyway, lets get on with it! 

And there you go, another week is passed. I hope you enjoyed it, and that it brought you many cards and many pleasures. I have not had a lot of time for cards this week, but somehow I have managed to get all the codes up tonight, which is rather a miracle for me. Because of that I will be able to add any updates to the body of this text via the "Whats New" Blog, so check for that to pop up to the top of the newsfeed column.

And if you only just discovered us, welcome. You can read last week`s newsletter, if you missed it, at

Now I would like to close by thanking everyone who gets in touch with me. I much appreciate the help you give to the newsletter, by providing scans of cards and extra information, and also corrections, for sometimes they provide the missing link that sets my ship on a whole new exploration. And it is very special indeed to hear that someone has enjoyed the little things I gather together and turn into writing, and even more so that they have taken the time from their own busy schedule to get in touch and tell me.