Newsletter - 2023-08-05

Hey, its Saturday, and newsletter time all over again. Thanks for coming back, and we hope that you enjoy it. Now don`t forget - if you sit there and wonder why we never feature YOUR favourite set, that is because you have not told us what it is yet. Or if there is a special anniversary coming up in your thematic interest do let us know, for we will he happy to allow you to provide as many of the cards of the day for that week, and as much info as you would like to. So over to you 

So, you may be wondering, how are we getting on with the Card Index – and the answer is very well, apart from a small hiccup when I deleted where I was up to and could not remember – but I have worked very slowly back to the right place now, and as a safeguard I have also added the link at the top so that if have a similar calamity all is not lost. I do this with things on disc too, that is why I have “certain things” on every disc, heedless of the label as to what ought to be on there. However the truth is that the index always gets abandoned for the final days of each newsletter, simply because there is not time for both. Anyway do have a look at how far we have come at :

26 july 23

At the moment I have a burning question, because I do not know the name of this set I featured for Tokyo in our recent discussion on fingerprinting. That week was great, don’t you think?

I believe it is something like “Views of the World”, but the owner only has this one so no chance of seeing a link between the other cards.

Anyway if you want to test your skill, or hoick out your reference book to Guerin Boutron we would be obliged. And the link to see the back, and a larger card is

Now I ought to remind everyone that your first port of call each day should be the rotating banner on our home page. In here you will find two slides. One is the diary of the next two or three Branch and Club meetings, in which will also be any last minute changes. And the other is a direct link to the last page we worked on, whether this be the index, or research, etc. And if there are any updates to the newsletter that are either supplied by me, or found by our readers, they will be notified in there too.

And so, before August closes, lets chat about things coming up this week – which are : a bit of hot stuff, a cinematic cowboy, a heart of honour, a Channel Islands Cricketer, a curious Coronation, and then, a spot of R and R, which will, as always, be much needed……