Newsletter - 2023-11-11

Though it is now almost the 14th....

I am going to be honest, last week was one of the best weeks ever - if not the best week ever - but the tiny brain I do have was totally fried. It took me until yesterday to start to tackle the newsletter and then I pulled an allnighter to get it here now. This was not so hard as it sounds as mum is currently not very well, and her time clock is completely shot, so I am pulling all nighters anyway in order to sit up listening for her to wake.

So this is both the slowest newsletter ever and the fastest I have ever done.

But read on for an forever flickering flame, a magical mythical monster, a tremendous thirties train, an amazing aerial adventure, the tobacco truth, a killed king`s karma (open to offers on a better triple there), and a remarkable racing result. 

well just like the cavalry, we got there in the end.

And now I have to start next weekend`s newsletter, which I will do, after a coffee. And that one will be there on time, hopefully.....