Newsletter - 2023-12-09

So a very brief intro and I might finish before time, with enough time even to check my eBay wants list, rather than doing two nights tomorrow. This week has again been hectic, even though there was no wonderful trip to London by train, which I much enjoy. In fact I only went on the bus twice. But I did lose one day to buster`s birthday, and another to attempting to clear up a whole box of newspapers which I had somehow accumulated on my travels and never got around to looking at. 

Hope you all had a good week too. 

This week we bring you a fun filled and action packed newsletter, so I will not delay. Lets meet our cast of characters - a picture of a pitcher who died too soon - another picture with a prize you won`t believe - the tale of a massive massif  - a Naval hero who is still remembered worldwide, and not just at sea - someone who never thought they would be allowed to do what they did but paved the way for many - a queen at six days old - and a fictional character who hopefully told many girls they were super too. 

And so I must close, for another week. But soon it will be Christmas, in just sixteen days.  Sorry if that panicked you.... 

See you next week, and watch out for some Christmas Crackers, popping up soon...